5 Tips for Greater Mental Health and Better Sleep

Tips for Better Sleep

Did you know that the quality of sleep can tell you whether you are mentally stable or not? If you can’t fall asleep or suffer from insomnia, if you have depressive thoughts when you are tucked in bed or if you keep waking up too early in the morning, your body is trying to tell you that something isn’t right. You may be upset about something without even knowing it. Or, you could be deeply troubled by something that happened recently and the lack of sleep means that you are not coping very well inside. Constant lack of sleep is your first warning sign that there is something wrong and that you need to check your physical and mental health.

However, good mental health isn’t just absence of a mental illness, but also involves a whole set of positive assets such as self-confidence, ability to cope with stress and life problems, a sense of contentment, a sense of purpose as well as ability to learn, change, adapt and enjoy life. If you improve the quality of sleep, you will be mentally stronger and happier. Sometimes we forget the obvious thing: the purpose of sleep is to restore your mind and body. It is a healing and rejuvenating process that can enhance your physical and mental strength which is why it is very important to ensure that you have a good seven to nine hours of sleep every day. These tips will help you improve the quality of sleep and your overall well being.


1.       Establish a Regular Sleeping Routine

Did you know that your body actually requires a routine for everything? Have you noticed that you are feeling more energized and tired around the same times each day? This is due to the circadian rhythm which is actually our inner 24-hour clock. Establishing a regular pattern for eating, sleeping, working, exercising and other activities is the best way to have a better, healthier and happier life.

If you keep changing your sleeping pattern you will disturb your own body clock controlled by the hypothalamus which knows exactly when you need to rest or when to be active. Try to go to fall asleep and wake up every day at the same time. It might be challenging at the beginning, especially if you want to go to bed earlier and get up earlier, but you will get used to it in a week or two if you are persistent.

Did you know that your body actually requires a routine for everything? Have you noticed that you are feeling more energized and tired around the same times each day? This is due to the circadian rhythm which is actually our inner 24-hour clock. Establishing a regular pattern for eating, sleeping, working, exercising and other activities is the best way to have a better, healthier and happier life.

If you keep changing your sleeping pattern you will disturb your own body clock controlled by the hypothalamus which knows exactly when you need to rest or when to be active. Try to go to fall asleep and wake up every day at the same time. It might be challenging at the beginning, especially if you want to go to bed earlier and get up earlier, but you will get used to it in a week or two if you are persistent.


2.       Change Your Diet

What you eat in a day can dramatically affect the quality of your sleep. Consider amending your diet to include foods that can boost your mood and eliminate unhealthy ingredients which can adversely affect the health of your entire body and cause insomnia. Types of food and drink you should reduce or avoid include caffeine, alcohol, trans fats, sugar, refined carbs and fried food.


What you eat in a day can dramatically affect the quality of your sleep. Consider amending your diet to include foods that can boost your mood and eliminate unhealthy ingredients which can adversely affect the health of your entire body and cause insomnia. Types of food and drink you should reduce or avoid include caffeine, alcohol, trans fats, sugar, refined carbs and fried food.

Replace these nasty ingredients with healthier alternatives such as fresh fruit, leafy greens, nuts, seeds and sources of Omega-3 fats. Foods that can boost your mood and help you sleep calmer include fish, avocado, flax seeds, beans, kale, Brussel sprouts and berries. If you love coffee and want to keep it in your diet, make sure to drink it only during the day and never in the evening because this natural stimulant can keep you awake for hours at night.


3.       Stay Active

Physical activity during the day will not only exhaust you and prepare your body for a relaxing sleep at night, but also make you feel calmer, happier and more focused. Any cardio activity from walking to running or cycling is great for your mental health because you are activating serotonin, getting rid of stress and dragging your attention to your body while keeping all unpleasant and disturbing thoughts at bay. Make sure that you engage with some kind of cardio activity every day, be it a short brisk walk or a full workout. Your mind and body will be thankful.


4.       Practice Relaxation

From calming baths and soothing massages to yoga and meditation, there are many ways to unwind and prepare your body for sleep. A cup of herbal tea such as lavender or chamomile can help you relax faster, but the quickest way to reduce stress before bedtime is to practice deep breathing. Involve your stomach and count to three while inhaling and exhaling.

By doing this, you are calming yourself down and sending a message to your brain that you are ready to doze off and sail into the world of dreams. If you have a lot of anxious or depressive thoughts flying into your head, then try to focus on something else such as relaxing music playing in the background or a guided sleep meditation. Practising meditation continuously every day will help you control your thoughts better and increase your ability to focus on positive images.


5.       Redesign Your Resting Space

Have a look around your bedroom. Is it a truly calming space where you can rest your body and soul? Is it neat, clean and cosy or cluttered and messy? From position and layout to the amount of light and sounds or even colours you used to decorate the room, every little detail matters.

Try to minimise the amount of furniture, decorations and other things that can be a distraction in your sleeping space. Keep your surfaces clear, use lighter and calmer shades for curtains, carpets, walls and furniture, but also make sure you enjoy the design. This part of your home should inspire you to take a nap. And to further improve your sleeping conditions, you should be able to control the temperature and the amount of light in your bedroom. Your body will find it easier to relax in a darker and cooler room.

Author’s Bio

Alex Morrison has been a SEO Expert for over 10 years. In this time he has worked with a range of businesses giving him an in-depth understanding of many different industries including home improvement, business support and health care. He has used his knowledge and experience to work for clients as diverse as Fox Transportable, Cosh Living and Me Bank to help them reach their business goals.


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